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 The 10 Week Program 

Together with inmates, psychologists,

criminologists, social workers and

prison officers we have developed

the training concept. 


The first contact with PHÖNIX takes place in the gyms of the prisons. After a presentation of the PHÖNIX program, participants can register directly. The selection of 15 participants occurs in consultation with the prison management, the psychological service and the social service.

.Info Day.



.For a life in freedom!.

By using basketball-specific exercises and fitness training we promote the physical and mental health of the participants, experience respect in sport and set individual goals. 
There are always at least 3 trainers on site at all times.

.Hard Skills.



.Soft Skills.  


In the form of workshops and short inputs, we offer training on healthy eating, well-being and the development of new habits. 

In a personal letter, participants receive recognition for their progress and encouragement to stay motivated.


We invite role models from professional sports to train with the participants. 

Their stories marked by setbacks and successes, inspire and motivate them to achieve their training goals.


.Role Models. 


Those who complete the 10 weeks at PHÖNIX receive a training kit for their further athletic career. We stay in contact and look for further training opportunities together.



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